A really interesting project.
Welcome to Kele, a Ruby Gem1 API Client2 that allows users to access Blocs API.
Bloc’s API provides an external facing JSON Web Token authorized gateway to the Bloc application. Technically it could be accessed via cURL, but an API client can manage the low-level details of making requests and handling responses. Packaging this functionality in a Ruby Gem would allow developers easy access to and use of the student endpoints of Bloc’s API.
Git & Git Hub
This is not supposed to be a finished product but was part of the learning process of my web development course with Bloc covering core programming topics.
My Role
To create this API Client as a sole developer, working remotely, completing specific tasks outlined by Bloc.
It was time to become a creator of a Ruby Gem. I had used gems throughout all my projects to take advantage of other developers great work, it was now time to repay the favour.
I enjoy getting to the bottom of things and seeing what’s “under the hood”, so this was an enjoyable opportunity to get my head around what really goes into producing a workable Ruby Gem; succinct code and clear guidance in
I was provided with User Stories 3 that I had to comprehend and complete.
- As a user, I want to initialize and authorize Kele with a Bloc username and password
- As a user, I want to retrieve the current user as a JSON blob
- As a user, I want to retrieve a list of my mentor’s availability
- As a user, I want to retrieve roadmaps and checkpoints
- As a user, I want to retrieve a list of my messages, respond to an existing message, and create a new message thread
- As a user, I want to submit checkpoint assignments
Although, the user described above is the expectations of the end-user, it was important to keep in mind that my actual code base would be used by a developer in their own code. Thus, my focus was to achieve the above functionality, not to display it to the user on the frontend in any manner, that would be at the discretion of the developer using my Ruby Gem.
I used Git to maintain a local repository of the project and a remote repository on GitHub, and used feature branches to ensure a smooth workflow and secure version control.
- Initialize and authorize Kele with a Bloc username and password. In simple terms, create a
class that takes in a users username and password, and in doing so, gets the authentication
token that is needed for making future requests to Blocs API.
- Retrieve the current user from the Bloc API as a JSON blob.
- Add clear guidance and instructions to the
file of your Ruby Gem for other developers.
- First and foremost my Ruby Gem would need a
A gemspec defines metadata about your RubyGem like its name, version, and author. do |s| = 'kele'
s.version = '0.0.1' = '2018-22-02'
s.summary = 'Kele API Client'
s.description = 'An API client for the Bloc API'
s.authors = ['Sami Birnbaum'] = '[email protected]'
s.files = ['lib/kele.rb', 'lib/kele/roadmap.rb']
s.require_paths = ["lib"]
s.homepage = ''
s.license = 'MIT'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'httparty', '~> 0.13'
s.add_runtime_dependency 'json', '~> 1.8', '>= 1.8.3'
Great, that was easy enough.
Note, I added an httparty
dependency using add_runtime_dependency
. This instructs bundle
to install httparty
, which provides a programmatic Ruby interface to make HTTP requests. However, instead of receiving a response made up of HTML
which is what you usually get from a server request, I would be looking for JSON4 formatted data which is much easier for a developer to handle in their code.
Now I could start building out my Kele Class
that would contain all the methods for making GET
and POST
requests to Blocs API.
Most importantly, this class, when instantiated as an object, would need to have two key instant variables, accessible for each method.
@bloc_api #Bloc's base API URL:
@authenticaition_token #The user's authentication token so requests can be made (the equivalent to being signed in)
The @authentication_token
would need to be passed in to every request.
class Kele
include RoadmapMethods
def initialize(username, password)
@bloc_api = ""
@authenticaition_token = retrieve_authentication_token(username, password)
def retrieve_authentication_token(username, password)
options = {
body: {
email: username,
password: password
response ="#{@bloc_api}/sessions", options)
response.ok? ? (response["auth_token"]) : (raise "invalid email or password")
Given the code above, when the kele object would be created, it would take in a username and password, which should retrieve the authentication token and store it in our instant variable. If this failed, an error would be raised to alert the developer that something had gone wrong. The developer could then rescue and handle this error as they so wished.
On success, the developer would now have an object which, with further methods would be able to seamlessly make requests from Blocs API.
2. Arguably not the most challenging task, but it allowed me to start to get to grips with the nature of API requests and the structure of my Ruby Gem for use by other developers.
def get_me
response = HTTParty.get("#{@bloc_api}/users/me", headers: {authorization: @authenticaition_token})
response.ok? ? (JSON.parse(response.body)) : (raise "Error retrieving current_user")
Remember those Instant Variables that are so crucial to the functioning of our objects methods, here you can see them in action.
I added an instant method to the Kele Class
that would make a GET
request using a method that exists on the HTTParty Gem. In that GET
request I needed to send the @authenticaition_token
in the header, in order to be allowed access to Blocs API.
If the response
from Blocs API was successful, I would convert the response body from JSON to a Ruby Hash for ease of use by the developer.
If the request
was unsuccessful, then I would again make sure to warn the developer by raising an error, which the developer could handle as they wished, perhaps redirecting the user to a different page, or displaying an error message to retry.
3. This is not a coding task I hear you cry!
And in truth you would be right.
However, too often as a developer I have tried to harness the power of other peoples code, whether that be in the form of a Ruby Gem or even a programming framework, only to become disenchanted due to a lack of good, coherent and clear documentation.
In my opinion, it doesn’t matter what experience or level of programming a person has obtained, everyone appreciates clear doccumentation and its the backbone of some of the most popular open source projects and naturally the downfall of others.
So here was my attempt at it, writing guidance for the use of the Kele API Client:
An API Client to access Blocs API
Step 1: Open talks with Blocs API, password) #returns an object with methods that allow you to talk with Blocs API
Step 2: Call these great methods on the returned object to talk with Blocs API.get_me #returns current user information
.get_mentor_availability(mentor_id) #takes in a mentor_id, this can be found in the user information returned by the get_me method #returns the current users mentors availability
.get_roadmap(roadmap_id) #takes in a roadmap_id, this can be found in the user information returned by the get_me method #returns the current users roadmap information
.get_checkpoint(checkpoint_id) #takes in a checkpoint_id, this can be found in the roadmap information returned by the get_roadmap method #returns the current users checkpoint information
.get_messages(number = 1) #takes in a page number, if no number provided, default will request page 1 #returns the current users messages
.create_message(sender, recipient_id, subject, body, token = nil) #takes in a quite a few arguments #sender = email address of the sender #recipient_id = id of person you are sending to, id accessible from Bloc API #token = a string referenceing a message thread, obtain using .get_messages method. Leave blank to start new thread #posts a message to the Bloc API
.create_submission(checkpoint_id, enrollment_id, assignment_branch, assignment_commit_link, comment = "") #takes in a quite a few arguments #checkpoint_id = integer accessible via get_roadmap method #enrollment_id = integer accessible via get_me method #assignment_branch = a string, name of assignment branch on git hub #assignment_commit_link = a string, link to commit on git hub #posts a checkpoint submission to the Bloc API
On top of the need for good documentation, I found this personally a good exercise for me as a developer. It made sure that I knew my code base very well, well enough to explain it to someone approaching it for the first time.
There was no frontend to manually test against, so I needed to make sure I was able to test thoroughly on the backend. I thought about opting for RSpec
but given it was a fairly small project, I opted to test the code by using the method calls myself in the IRB
and using PRY, specifically binding.pry
to catch and rectify any bugs.
I was able to achieve the desired outcomes of the API Client and more importantly I was really able to further my understanding of Ruby Gems, development of open source projects and valuable gems such as PRY
and HTTParty
Feedback from my codementor was positive.
Like I said in the introduction, this was a very interesting project, and I think the biggest doubts I had going in were two-fold. Firstly, there was no frontend, this was pure code and nothing but code, just me and my text editor. Secondly although I never published the gem this would have to be written for others who knew a lot more code than I did, so my code would have to stand up to their scrutiny.
What surprised me the most from this project was the power of APIs and how they can be used to transmit data between developers, I finally started to grasp why some programmers will build whole applications just using APIs. Moreover, the benefits one can have by creating an API for others to access data from their own site.
Although one of the smaller projects at Bloc, I really learnt a lot about writing clean, succinct code and also the value of taking the time out to learn about debuggers such as PRY
which can save you a lot of time in the future. I was also able to use PRY
to understand the HTTParty
gem, as I could look around their code base far quicker and more intuitively using pry commands.
Going forward, this experience of writing an API Client, will help me immensely. Firstly, it made me really get to grips with the generic concept of APIs and how they work. Secondly, it forced me to take even more care of my code, as I was writing it for someone else who was a programmer themselves, and whose own application may depend on the functionality of my Gem. Lastly, it is inevitable that I will now be using PRY
in not only my Ruby Gem projects, but also in my Ruby on Rails projects.
1: RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language that provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries (in a self-contained format called a “gem”), a tool designed to easily manage the installation of gems, and a server for distributing them.↩
2: A client library, sometimes called a helper library, is a set of code that application developers can add to their development projects. It provides chunks of code that do the basic things an application needs to do in order to interact with the API.↩
3: A user story is a tool used in Agile software development to capture a description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. The user story describes the type of user, what they want and why. A user story helps to create a simplified description of a requirement.↩
4:JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language, Standard ECMA-262 3rd Edition - December 1999. JSON is a text format that is completely language independent but uses conventions that are familiar to programmers of the C-family of languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python, and many others. These properties make JSON an ideal data-interchange language.↩