How do any of us end up anywhere? Well.. we dip our little toe in the water, and then we wait.. we wait for that freezing cold sensation which we expect to rush through our system and when it doesn’t come we breathe a deep sigh of relief and sink into that nice warm bath. And since dipping my toe into the ocean that be called ‘programming’ I am yet to retract from the ice cold water (mind you though, it can get pretty cold at times).
The straight and narrow path:
I went to school like most people (in London where i was born and raised) and following school I undertook my undergraduate degree BSc from The London School of Economics, one of the top universities in the country. However, although providing me with riguoruos academic analysis of the social political landscape and criminological theses. I didn’t leave LSE with a defined skill, more an amulgamation of academic disciplines (not to say that this hasn’t been handy).
The interesting different path:
Following university, I became rather interested in languages. No, not the computer sort. But.. the ancient sort. I spent time on a course learning the skills to translate Biblical Hebrew and, wait for it.. Aramaic. This study of ancient texts, propelled me into a world of new languages, and Talmudic study, requiring thorough rigurous analysis, organisation, sturcture and clarity. I loved it and I now teach a course in Biblical Hebrew and still continue to pursuit this source of study in my spare time.
From this stand-point the progression into programming was almost logical (more of a dipping toe in the water experience if i’m honest). I can now utiliste these core principles and disciplines of learning ancient languages to learn some of the most modern languages that exist today. And continuously engage in learning, thorough rigurous analysis, organisation, sturcture and clarity.
And here I am.
Please feel free to ask any questions, and if i can help with any advice from my own mistakes and successes along the way I would be happy to help!